How Can Video Games Help a Student Succeed Academically?

Ayden Hector

April 19, 2022



According to Ayden Hector, video games are very similar to scientific investigations and the theory behind them is that playing them improves one’s intelligence. Games can teach a person problem-solving skills and improve working memory, which is necessary for success in school. Moreover, many games have cooperative and social aspects that make them a perfect educational tool. The study conducted by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center shows that some games are more beneficial than others for students’ academic success.

Online games encourage students to use the skills they have learned at school to solve puzzles. It is also possible that students who are more adept at solving problems with puzzles will finish their homework more quickly. This makes online gaming a great tool for identifying gifted and proficient students. These games also help students develop problem-solving skills and improve their grades. Despite these apparent benefits, students should take note that online gaming should not replace a student’s academic studies.

According to a recent study, kids who played video games regularly had better intellectual functions and school competencies. Furthermore, students who played action-oriented games regularly had higher visual contrast sensitivity than their peers. Despite the numerous studies, no definitive link has been made between the two. It is not clear whether playing video games increases the chances of success, but it could enhance one’s academic performance. But, a moderate amount of video gaming is beneficial.

Ayden Hector described that, there are other benefits of video games for students’ educational development. According to Bristol University research, computer-based games may help students learn by increasing the rate of learning and reducing the number of mental wandering. Furthermore, video games improve executive functions and improve self-control and memory, which can help to reduce achievement gaps related to poverty. These benefits may be worth the price of entry. There are many more studies to come.

Research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has demonstrated the benefits of playing video games for students’ cognitive abilities. The results show that fMRI scans reveal that playing video games improves certain brain regions. They also enhance certain hard-wired skills, such as spatial orientation and information organization. The researchers concluded that this could lead to better academic performance. This study was published in the journal Vision Research.

However, it is worth mentioning that the amount of time a student spends playing video games may not be related to their academic achievement. Some studies have found that the longer a student spends playing video games, the worse they perform in school. However, other studies suggest that this may depend on the type of video games they’re playing. In the meantime, it’s still unclear how long the effect of video games will last.

Ayden Hector pointed out that, while playing video games regularly can result in better performance, it is important to remember that excessive gaming may interfere with a child’s academic success. In fact, two-thirds of American adolescents report playing computer games on a daily basis. The vast majority of studies, however, have looked at the negative effects of video games. The majority of studies that have evaluated gaming’s impact on academic performance have looked at negative outcomes such as aggression and violence. Despite the many benefits, the effects of video games are unknown and the effects of gaming are not observable over time.

Besides its harmful effects on academic performance, it can also contribute to mental health issues. For example, research has shown a connection between video game play time and depression. In fact, 94 percent of all video game players are male, while only six percent are female. Moreover, the majority of boys report being unhappy in their social lives, while twenty-one percent are female. The majority of male video game addicts are also less satisfied with their social lives and report lower self-esteem, which can affect their performance in school.

One of the main benefits of video games for a student is its ability to foster social skills. When kids play video games for extended periods of time, they develop social skills that are highly valued by employers. Additionally, these games allow parents to bond with their children and help them learn about the latest trends. These skills can make a child more successful and educated. So, video games are a great way to teach kids and parents how to play together.